Loving Yourself, Self Care Tips (2024)

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Loving Yourself, Self Care Tips (1)

These tips are about giving yourself a bit of love. Self care is NOT selfish!



  • Every morning, tell yourself: “I love you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Thank you.” Practice gratitude and forgiveness.

  • Don’t wear yourself out with work, school, or hanging out with so many people. Take time to rest and relax. It will help you unwind and focus on what is important in the day-to-day.

  • Make an actual list of your strengths to post where you can see it. Add to it as you discover more about yourself.

  • Treat yourself to some compliments! Use social media to ask people you know and trust to explain what they like best about you.

  • Crying is our body’s way of dealing with feelings. Tears are cathartic and healing sometimes — let it out.

  • Hopelessness, like most other emotions, will eventually pass. When you’re having a tough moment, think “I won’t feel like this way forever. I just need to ride it out”.

  • Do something you’ve always wanted to try. Doing something new will increase your confidence and expand your awareness of what you are capable of.

  • Negative self talk can bring you down and limit your potential. This article has concrete strategies to try and combat your inner critic.

  • Realize that your differences are what make you the beautiful human that you are. You can admire someone elses beauty without downplaying your own.

  • Learn to say “no” sometimes. It’s okay. This will give you the opportunity to spend time doing the things that are meaningful to you.

  • Stop looking for approval from others. Do your best and be your own cheerleader.

  • Practice gratitude. Instead of focusing on all the things that are wrong with yourself, focus on the positives. The more you focus on the positives, the more you will be able to silence the negatives.

  • Create a self-love ritual. For examples, check out this article.

  • Try creating a sacred space for yourself. If space is limited, this could be a corner of your room or a shelf on your wall. Check out this handy guide.

  • Give yourself permission to be proud of your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and spend time with people who cheer you on.

  • Have you ever compleated a Loving Kindness Meditation? This is meant to increase compassion for yourself and others.

  • Develop a plan for when you spiral into negative throughts. For example, you could try and refocus by deep breathing or taking a walk. Everyone is different. Find what works for you.

  • Getting your body moving is a great way to practice self care, it’s not about going to the gym. Find a fun way to exercise and do it because it’s fun, social or just makes you feel good!

  • Are you being hard on yourself? Try imagining what you might say to a friend who is in the same situation and apply it to yourself.

  • If you have trouble remembering your good qualities, try this: when someone gives you a compliment write it down and continue to add to it. When you are feeling low, refer to this list and remind yourself why you are great!

  • If you feel like you need to take a break, it is ok to take a “me day”. If you are lucky enough to have paid sick days, know that they can be used for mental health.

  • Still struggling with what self love looks like and how to practice it? Check out this helpful article.

  • The most important realtionship you’ll ever have is with yourself, take some time to get to know yourself. What is your self love language?

  • Here are some great writing prompts to help you discover what you love about yourself.

  • Part of self care is planning for the future. What do you want to accomplish?

  • Self care looks different for everyone, try out new things to find what works for you. Remeber to be flexible; you might need to change it up depending on your mood, surroundings, energy level, etc.

  • It’s easy to neglect self care. Here are some tips on how to make your self care habit sitck.

  • Here is a helpful breakdown of the different categories of self care, it’s not all about bubble baths!


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Loving Yourself, Self Care Tips (2024)


Loving Yourself, Self Care Tips? ›

We may be struggling with low self-esteem, feeling like we don't measure up. We might think that in order to be worthy of love, we need to meet certain expectations we set for ourselves or expectations laid out for us by others. Not feeling worthy of love is often a result of negative self-talk.

How do you self-care and love yourself? ›

10 ways to practice self-care and self-love every day
  1. Take time to stop. ...
  2. Take time for yourself. ...
  3. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they may be. ...
  4. Be more indulgent with yourself. ...
  5. Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  6. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. ...
  7. Learn to say no. ...
  8. Stop comparing yourself to others.
Feb 27, 2023

What are the 7 steps to loving yourself? ›

7 Steps to Loving Yourself Unconditionally
  • Step 1: Make Contact with Your Inner Self. ...
  • Step 2: Honestly Face Your Inner Obstacles and Resistance. ...
  • Step 3: Deal with Old Wounds. ...
  • Step 4: Forgive Your Past. ...
  • Step 5: Accept where You Are Right Now. ...
  • Step 6: Form Relationships where You Feel Loved and Appreciated.
Sep 1, 2016

What are 5 ways to love yourself? ›

Here are 5 simple acts you can practice each day to bring a little more self-love into your life.
  • Change your self talk. ...
  • Take care of your physical state. ...
  • Adopt an attitude of gratitude. ...
  • Reconnect with yourself. ...
  • Be the energy you want to attract.

How do you treat yourself to self-love? ›

Ways to Practice Self-Love
  1. Treat yourself like a date: We often treat ourselves much more harshly than others. ...
  2. Pamper yourself: Buy yourself a sweet treat, order your favorite meal, go for a nice walk, or binge a favorite show. ...
  3. Take care of your mind AND body: Self-care is not always face masks and bubble baths.

What is a good self-care routine? ›

Top 10 Self-Care Practices to Incorporate into Your Daily Routine
  • Spend time outside.
  • Take a nap.
  • Turn off your phone.
  • Share a hug.
  • Spend time with your pet.
  • Practice positive thinking.
  • Get moving.
  • Meditate.
Apr 1, 2023

Why is it so hard to love yourself? ›

We may be struggling with low self-esteem, feeling like we don't measure up. We might think that in order to be worthy of love, we need to meet certain expectations we set for ourselves or expectations laid out for us by others. Not feeling worthy of love is often a result of negative self-talk.

How do I fall deeply in love with myself? ›

Taking the time to relax, recharge and reconnect with your core being can help you discover how to fall in love with yourself. If your brain is always on, you're living in a heightened, unsustainable state. Self-reflection can affirm our sense of ourselves and help us learn from our mistakes.

How to love yourself as a woman? ›

Self-Love Habits Every Woman Should Practice
  1. What is self-love? To practice it, first, we need to understand what it means. ...
  2. No need to compare yourself with others. ...
  3. Ignore other people's opinions. ...
  4. Forgive yourself. ...
  5. Rediscover yourself. ...
  6. Be realistic. ...
  7. Practice Gratitude. ...
  8. Eat healthier.
Feb 13, 2023

How do you practice self care? ›

Here are some self-care tips:
  1. Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health. ...
  2. Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. ...
  3. Make sleep a priority. ...
  4. Try a relaxing activity. ...
  5. Set goals and priorities. ...
  6. Practice gratitude. ...
  7. Focus on positivity. ...
  8. Stay connected.

What is the first step to self-love self-care? ›

Don't neglect yourselves friends, I know it's hard. We have work, and life, and school, and kids, but we also have ourselves. And we all deserve to do something every single day that we love. Because the first step to self-love is self-care.

Why is self-care important for self-love? ›

Practice good self-care.

You'll love yourself more when you take better care of your basic needs. People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, like sound nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy, and healthy social interactions.

How to love yourself unconditionally? ›

How to Love Yourself Unconditionally
  1. Discover Who You Really Are. ...
  2. Set and Keep Boundaries. ...
  3. Use Kinder Words in Your Self-Talk. ...
  4. Honor Your Alone Time. ...
  5. Heal from Old Wounds and Let Go of Past Resentments. ...
  6. Spend Time with People Who Love and Appreciate You.
Feb 13, 2023


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.